Socio Care
Shri Satya Sai Narayan Seva
The society does not exist only on the basis of the government. The people in the society has some sort of responsibility to maintain balance and societal set-up. Keeping this in view, Satchikitsa Prasarak Mandal has commenced Shri Satya Sai Narayan Seva with a sole inspiration from Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba that “Service to Man is Service to god”.
Saint Tukaram Maharaj has aptly remarked in this regard, “When the people are in distress, we can’t see it with open eyes. Rather it creates compassion."
The people in the mofussil areas, who are underprivileged and socio-economically backward are generally hospitalized in Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College Hospital, Yavatmal, Maharashtra. As per the norms, the hospital offers free food for the admitted patients. However, their relatives have no other way and therefore, they have to remain starved on account of their financial crisis. Pondering over their distressful agonies, the trust has taken a revolutionary decision and started offering free food service for the needy people under the tagline program “Shri Satya Sai Narayan Seva” on 1st November 1995. Till date, trust has provided free food service to these 6,20,000 people who got benefitted rather contended.
All Religion Mass Marriages
The trust organizes Shri Satya Sai All Religion mass marriages to spread the message of fraternity, integrity and equality among the people of all caste and creed. This worthwhile move helps to curtail down the burden of parents who are highly struggling financially to get their daughters married. As marriage is one of the significant events in everyone’s life, the trust has come up with unique and praise- worthy thought with a novel idea: ‘There is only one caste, Caste of humanity, only one religion, religion of love, only one language, language of the heart, only one God, God is omnipresent’. Since 1994, the trust has been organizing this all religion mass marriages programs in Yavatmal, Maharashtra and thus became the pioneering social organization in all religion mass marriages.
It is often quoted, “Quality is not an accident it is the result of collective efforts”. Likewise, Satchikitsa Prasarak Mandal is entirely committed to aid and assist the poor people of the society. It’s true that Yavatmal is backward tribal district, still it had been considered the cotton belt in Maharashtra. As every coin has two sides, unfortunately, this district is now regarded as farmer’s suicide area in the state. It had been endeavor of the trust to conduct this all religion mass marriage event every year for free of cost. The rural economically and socially backward classes of all religions of the society. So far notwithstanding, the trust goes on and provides wedding garments for brides and bride grooms including daily kitchen utensils, a “Mangal Sutra” (Omen of nuptial knot) consisting of 1-gram gold, breakfast and lunch to minimum 70 relatives of each couple on the day of marriage ceremony. This flagship program of the trust has become so popular that the various organizations started organizing all religion mass marriages in various districts of Maharashtra, even the Government of Maharashtra got inspired by this unique activity and took constructive resolution of providing financial assistance to the underprivileged fathers of the bridegrooms.
Having come into limelight the Government of Maharashtra had offered financial support to the trust as sense of gratitude for this much awaited and adorable event in the year 2017, under the scheme called“Baliraja Chetana Abhiyan”. In this event 97 couple tied the knot in the trust campus. In 2018 mass marriages program had been scheduled in the huge campus of the trust under the banner of “Sarva Dharmiya Samuhik Vivaha Samithi”, this program was supported by prominent trusts of Yavatmal District. Undoubtedly the moving spirit behind this activity is dynamic secretary of our trust under whose able chairmanship the event takes place. In all 150 couple tied their multiple knots in Yavatmal District this year 2018 and this event gained significant momentum across the state, in which thousands of poor parents could cherish their dreams, by getting their daughters married at free of cost. They shed their tears in contentment and bid adieu to their loving one’s. Shri Satya Sai Seva organization of Maharashtra blessed and supported to organize this mega event since its inception.
Helping hands for victims of Natural Disasters
Now a day’s natural calamities have become the universal phenomenon. The people not only lose their lives but also their moral courage. The trust in this crucial juncture provides and helps the victims of natural disasters at various places. When the earthquake calamity occurred in Gujrat the team of volunteers and doctors out of courtesy and being the member of humanitarian chain went there for rendering their services and worked incessantly to give them relief. The volunteers organized a huge rally and accumulated more than Rs 20,00,000/- along with some useful domestic materials to distribute among the earthquake-stricken people, thus offering them mental solace.
As someone has said that “Life is nothing but a chain of accidents”. There was a disastrous cyclone in Odisha following the Tsunami in Tamilnadu. However, the team of promising and committed young people reached to the affected areas and gave the victims their timely support and helping hands. The trust had distributed more 22 lakhs rupees worth material to the sufferers. For this wonderful rather herculean task. Government of Tamilnadu had applauded and issued an appreciation certificate for the services rendered by the trust which boosted the moral courage of the volunteers.
Continuing wearing the thread of service again the trust came forth and distributed clothes food and other necessary articles to the flood-stricken victims in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra also in the adjacent areas of Karnataka state in August-2019. The well-disciplined volunteers of the trust collected relief fund of Rs 2,70,000/- to give the helping hands to the needy flood victims.